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A member registered Aug 04, 2015

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(3 edits)

Works for me on MacOS - try these instructions:

1. In Terminal app, remove security permissions on downloaded .zip file:
    e.g. xattr -cr ./Downloads/

2. Unzip file in Finder by double-clicking it

3. In Terminal, make game binary executable:
    e.g. chmod +x ./Downloads/HERO2_osx-arm64/HERO2

4. In Terminal, sign the game binary:
    e.g.  codesign -s - ./Downloads/HERO2_osx-arm64/HERO2

5. Either run the game binary from the Terminal (e.g.  ./Downloads/HERO2_osx-arm64/HERO2 ) or by double-clicking it in Finder.

Hope that helps!

(1 edit)

@LC-Games - to make it easier for players on macOS, instead of all the confusing business allowing security permissions in System Preferences->Privacy & Security etc for both the game binary and the two .dylibs, the following should work:

1. In Terminal app, remove security permissions on downloaded .zip file:
    e.g. xattr -cr Downloads/
2. Unzip file in Finder by double-clicking it
3. In Terminal, make game binary executable:
    e.g. chmod +x ./Downloads/HERO2_osx-arm64/HERO2
4. In Terminal, sign the game binary:
    e.g.  codesign -s - ./Downloads/HERO2_osx-arm64/HERO2
5. Either run the game binary from the Terminal (e.g.  ./Downloads/HERO2_osx-arm64/HERO2 ) or by double-clicking it in Finder.

Hope that helps!

Extra step to get the macOS arm64 version working on M1/M2 Sonoma - the binary must be signed (use Terminal):

codesign -s - Bagman_osx-arm64/Bagman

(1 edit)

You must follow the instructions on the Download page. Do not change the folder to .app. Use chmod to make the binary executable, then allow the security warnings.
x86 binary runs on M2 Macbook Air Sonoma 14.4.1
arm64 binary requires one extra step before it will run. The binary must be signed as follows:

codesign -s - Bagman2_osx-arm64/Bagman2

Then it will run.

(2 edits)

The x86 version works on M2 Macbook Sonoma after allowing security warnings. Before the arm64 version will work, the binary must be signed as follows (run in Terminal):

codesign -s - HERO_osx-arm64/HERO

Then the arm64 version will also work.

(1 edit)

`codesign -s - Bagman_osx-arm64/Bagman` also works (after allowing the two .dylib security warnings)!

(2 edits)

Did a little digging into this on my M2 Macbook Air with Sonoma 14.4.1 and I think I have a solution.
I initially get the same results as everyone - x86 works but arm64 does not. This is also the same for Bagman.
Investigation of your app binaries and the zsh error lead me to this bug relating to dotnet:
Apparently, the binaries must be signed.
If I run `codesign -s - HERO_osx-arm64/HERO` after the chmod and allowing Apple Gatekeeper security warnings steps, the arm64 binary works!